Wednesday 30 November 2011

Act Five :) The Final Death(s) "Thus with a kiss, I die!"

Something I'd find TOTALLY AWESOME would be ... Someone telling me that Juliet was faking her own death.. That'd actually be really great. Maybe then we could be together.

I miss this.. <3  Me and Juliet shared so very few kisses in the long run ... I wish I was alive, so that she didn't kill herself. The world lost a rare and beautiful flower. 

Here we are, Happy <3

I was a very important part of this story. I was so romantic and wonderful. I mean come on, My name is in the title of this timeless play. Lets face it, I lasted pretty long.. I only died in the end! (Unlike Tybalt ;))In this play, I was a lover, a hater, a fighter and a big big problem. I played the role of a romantic man who only wants love. I end up finding it in the worst place possible. Our stars were never aligned it seems.. Sadly. I am important because I am a main character and a very relatable one at that! There would be no play without me!! I remember my personal favourite line in the play, the last one I said "Thus with a kiss, I die!" I also finally met that wretched Paris: "Wilt thou provoke me? Then have at thee, boy!" I killed him after that.

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Journalist's Question's To Me "Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again!"

Today I was interviewed by Samantha Johnston. She's an interviewer for the Verona Villager Weekly Paper. She had a few questions about the latest tragedies in my life.

Q1. (Samantha Johnston) So, Romeo. How are you coping with Mercutio's death?

A: (Romeo) Well, I'm very sad. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to feel better. I miss him dearly and it really hurts not seeing him all the time. I miss his witty advice and quick comments. I'd really like to have him back. Even if that meant that Tybalt had to come back. Perhaps if they both came back, the Montague's and the Capulet's could be friends. I think that would be wonderful. But sadly, that will never happen. We must be strong and move on.

Q2: (Samantha Johnston) That's very moving Romeo. I hope things get better for you soon... There have been some rumors flying around Verona that you and Juliet Capulet have been seeing a lot of each other lately.. Is this true? If so, how do you two feel about each other?

A: (Romeo) Well, I see her often, but only with my eyes.. She's lovely but she's the enemy. Can't have anything to do with the enemy can we? I feel that she's the most pleasant one out of the Capulet's.

Q3: (Samantha Johnston) Oh, okay! Thank you for clearing that up! So, the whole town reacted very badly to both of the deaths ) Mercutio and Tybalt). How do you think the Capulet's feel that you killed Tybalt? Do you think they'd understand why you did it?

A: (Romeo) I know the Capulet's are not at all pleased. That's probably why all of a sudden everyone thinks that me and Juliet are "together".. They don't seem to see that Tybalt killed my friend first. No one knows your flaws better than your own family... They cannot deny that Tybalt is a very ill tempered individual. He practically jumped at the idea to fight... Fighting is not something to be proud of. I know I'm not proud of myself. They'd never understand. We are enemies. We are bred to never believe anything any of them say and vice versa.

Q4: (Samantha Johnston) Hmm, you're kind of caught up there aren't you? Well I'm almost done here. Do you believe what you did was right?

A: (Romeo) Well yes. I would say I did exactly what he would do for me. Good friends live and die together.

Q5: (Samantha Johnston) You two had a very strong bond. I'm so sorry he's no longer with you. Last question. What do you miss the most about Verona?

A: (Romeo) Well, I really miss a couple people dearly.. I miss my sunshine and only love. The one that brightens my whole day.. The one I climb to see. I'd do anything to see her again; I miss her I MISS HER I MISS HER! I'd love for J-.....

Samantha Johnston: .......... Um.......... thanks for your time....... maybe I'll edit out that last bit?

Friday 18 November 2011

Banished :( "Farewell I will omit no opportunity that may convey my greetings, love to thee."

Oh Lord! I have been banished from fair Verona! How will I ever get to see my Juliet?! She won't ever be allowed to leave with me I fear. Today I lost a great friend Mercutio. I was trying to save him but he was stabbed underneath my arm right inm the chest. At first I didn't even notice that he was injured until he was on the ground completely dead. Then, somehow this rage just built up in me and I had to find Tybalt. I wasn't myself today. I killed Tybalt. My rage took over and I just lost it. I am very sorry now, but I wasn't at all when I did it. We brought the bodies over to the city center and we had to talk about it. Lady Capulet wants to hire an assassin to kill me. If only Juliet and I could go public, then I don't think Lady Capulet would want to kill her daughter’s husband. I have heard this terrible rumor that Juliet and Paris are going to be married on Thursday morning. I will never let this sort of thing happen to my Juliet! Ever! No one can force her to marry a man she does not love. Especially when she's already married.

Today I showed rage, sadness love and fear. What an amazing combination. I am only a lover, I have never been a fighter.. A murderer.
I remember showing my frustration with Benvolio when Tybalt died. I specifically remember saying "Oh, I am fortune's fool!" I felt so bad for Mercutio. I was barely even thinking when I jumped into battle with Tybalt. Once I killed him, I noticed the error of my ways.. Especially when I found out I was banished..
Also, I got very angry with Tybalt and Mercutio when they began to fight. I told Benvolio to "Draw, Benvolio. Beat down their weapons." I didn't want them to fight! I knew something bad would happen! The fight needed to end right away. Sadly, it ended with Mercutio's death.
I need to see my wonderful Juliet again the last thing I said to her was "More light and light, more dark and dark our woes!" I showed her I loved her, I will stay with her. However I fear that there will be many more dark days in our future.

Monday 14 November 2011

Married At Last :) "Thou chidst me oft for loving Rosaline."

Finally we are married! It feels like a life time since I first saw Juliet. She is so beautiful and I'm so very proud to call her my wife. I only get to call her that in my mind of course. I think that people would have a major problem with us if they knew we were married. Who are they to fight with love? With destiny?! With fate?! If the Friar married us, it must mean we have been blessed by God. Right? I hope I can find the courage to tell my mother and father about my marriage to Juliet soon. It's important to me that I can see her and that they will approve of our marriage. I would say it was the best day of my life so far. I came to the Friar in the morning and spent most of the day discussing the upcoming wedding with him. No family attended our wedding. I think that made Juliet a little upset. I know it's important to have your family present at your wedding. Maybe once our families know about the wedding and are all okay with it, we can have another wedding with everyone there to celebrate! Last night, I was thinking about our family feuds. Perhaps our union could help the elders to see that there is no longer any reason to fight. We only harbor hatred from many generations ago. Juliet and I are together and there is nothing they can do. We are bound by the infinite ropes of love.

Monday 7 November 2011

--The Capulet Party-- " Then move not while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged."

Romeo here! Finally I have found a reason to continue living! The fair maiden Juliet has come into my life! I must find a way to see her again. She is a beautiful young lady! I'm almost certain she is much younger than I. I'm sure she likes me, I mean why wouldn't she? I am a fabulous kisser and I have many friends. Not to mention my family is very very wealthy. Isn't that the womans dream? I kissed her numerous times last night and it was perfect. I think I might have been her first kiss though, she seemed a little bit surprised that I was a good kisser! Has she not heard of me before!? I, Romeo Montague will be a famous womans man one day. When we kissed, I forgot all about Rosaline. My whole mind was focused on Juliet and that one moment. However, there is a rather large annoying problem. She's a Capulet.

Leave it to me to finally find a woman, only to have her be the daughter of my family's mortal enemy! I sure hope there will be a way to work this out so that I can be with Juliet forever. I cannot stop thinking about her.. Her smile is gorgeous. She's the one for me and I'm going to tell her. If her father lets me near her. He was very nice to even let me in to the party last night. I know why he did though, since the prince told everyone of the riot act we are all being extra careful not to do anything that will start another one of those city-wide brawls.