Wednesday 30 November 2011

Act Five :) The Final Death(s) "Thus with a kiss, I die!"

Something I'd find TOTALLY AWESOME would be ... Someone telling me that Juliet was faking her own death.. That'd actually be really great. Maybe then we could be together.

I miss this.. <3  Me and Juliet shared so very few kisses in the long run ... I wish I was alive, so that she didn't kill herself. The world lost a rare and beautiful flower. 

Here we are, Happy <3

I was a very important part of this story. I was so romantic and wonderful. I mean come on, My name is in the title of this timeless play. Lets face it, I lasted pretty long.. I only died in the end! (Unlike Tybalt ;))In this play, I was a lover, a hater, a fighter and a big big problem. I played the role of a romantic man who only wants love. I end up finding it in the worst place possible. Our stars were never aligned it seems.. Sadly. I am important because I am a main character and a very relatable one at that! There would be no play without me!! I remember my personal favourite line in the play, the last one I said "Thus with a kiss, I die!" I also finally met that wretched Paris: "Wilt thou provoke me? Then have at thee, boy!" I killed him after that.


  1. Why did you leave Benvolio all alone?

  2. hahaha your dead

  3. So, you're a chicken being stabbed?

  4. i hope you and julit are happy now!
