Monday 14 November 2011

Married At Last :) "Thou chidst me oft for loving Rosaline."

Finally we are married! It feels like a life time since I first saw Juliet. She is so beautiful and I'm so very proud to call her my wife. I only get to call her that in my mind of course. I think that people would have a major problem with us if they knew we were married. Who are they to fight with love? With destiny?! With fate?! If the Friar married us, it must mean we have been blessed by God. Right? I hope I can find the courage to tell my mother and father about my marriage to Juliet soon. It's important to me that I can see her and that they will approve of our marriage. I would say it was the best day of my life so far. I came to the Friar in the morning and spent most of the day discussing the upcoming wedding with him. No family attended our wedding. I think that made Juliet a little upset. I know it's important to have your family present at your wedding. Maybe once our families know about the wedding and are all okay with it, we can have another wedding with everyone there to celebrate! Last night, I was thinking about our family feuds. Perhaps our union could help the elders to see that there is no longer any reason to fight. We only harbor hatred from many generations ago. Juliet and I are together and there is nothing they can do. We are bound by the infinite ropes of love.


  1. this is Paris, Juliet's fiance if this is true that you have married her I will kill you and all of your friends. Don't talk to Juliet again

  2. Congratulations on the marriage, but I didnt even know the gal. Do you have a pink flower growing on your tale?

  3. Congrats on the marriage I am so happy for you!
