Monday 7 November 2011

--The Capulet Party-- " Then move not while my prayer's effect I take. Thus from my lips, by thine my sin is purged."

Romeo here! Finally I have found a reason to continue living! The fair maiden Juliet has come into my life! I must find a way to see her again. She is a beautiful young lady! I'm almost certain she is much younger than I. I'm sure she likes me, I mean why wouldn't she? I am a fabulous kisser and I have many friends. Not to mention my family is very very wealthy. Isn't that the womans dream? I kissed her numerous times last night and it was perfect. I think I might have been her first kiss though, she seemed a little bit surprised that I was a good kisser! Has she not heard of me before!? I, Romeo Montague will be a famous womans man one day. When we kissed, I forgot all about Rosaline. My whole mind was focused on Juliet and that one moment. However, there is a rather large annoying problem. She's a Capulet.

Leave it to me to finally find a woman, only to have her be the daughter of my family's mortal enemy! I sure hope there will be a way to work this out so that I can be with Juliet forever. I cannot stop thinking about her.. Her smile is gorgeous. She's the one for me and I'm going to tell her. If her father lets me near her. He was very nice to even let me in to the party last night. I know why he did though, since the prince told everyone of the riot act we are all being extra careful not to do anything that will start another one of those city-wide brawls.


  1. This is Juliet and I can't stop thinking about you too. Why do you have to be the son of my worst enemie? I totally falled in love with you and I want to see you again. I have to marry another man, Paris, soon. We don't have much time left togehter. I need to see you again.

  2. When I see you tomorrow I will expect you to be a new person. I also hope that you'll stop moping around.

  3. Romeo, You're so grounded.

    -Lady Capulet.


  4. Keep your strength up Romeo! You'll find her!

  5. Romeo, I warn you, be cautious! Lady Capulet will not be happy of such a meeting, and I know Juliet will follow her heart, no matter who she hurts.

  6. This is a very well written blog post, good job.

  7. Romeo you and your stupid poems are really bad and annoying.. You better of not been at the Capulet party or I will find you and I will kill you.
