Wednesday 23 November 2011

Journalist's Question's To Me "Farewell! God knows when we shall meet again!"

Today I was interviewed by Samantha Johnston. She's an interviewer for the Verona Villager Weekly Paper. She had a few questions about the latest tragedies in my life.

Q1. (Samantha Johnston) So, Romeo. How are you coping with Mercutio's death?

A: (Romeo) Well, I'm very sad. I don't know what I'm supposed to do to feel better. I miss him dearly and it really hurts not seeing him all the time. I miss his witty advice and quick comments. I'd really like to have him back. Even if that meant that Tybalt had to come back. Perhaps if they both came back, the Montague's and the Capulet's could be friends. I think that would be wonderful. But sadly, that will never happen. We must be strong and move on.

Q2: (Samantha Johnston) That's very moving Romeo. I hope things get better for you soon... There have been some rumors flying around Verona that you and Juliet Capulet have been seeing a lot of each other lately.. Is this true? If so, how do you two feel about each other?

A: (Romeo) Well, I see her often, but only with my eyes.. She's lovely but she's the enemy. Can't have anything to do with the enemy can we? I feel that she's the most pleasant one out of the Capulet's.

Q3: (Samantha Johnston) Oh, okay! Thank you for clearing that up! So, the whole town reacted very badly to both of the deaths ) Mercutio and Tybalt). How do you think the Capulet's feel that you killed Tybalt? Do you think they'd understand why you did it?

A: (Romeo) I know the Capulet's are not at all pleased. That's probably why all of a sudden everyone thinks that me and Juliet are "together".. They don't seem to see that Tybalt killed my friend first. No one knows your flaws better than your own family... They cannot deny that Tybalt is a very ill tempered individual. He practically jumped at the idea to fight... Fighting is not something to be proud of. I know I'm not proud of myself. They'd never understand. We are enemies. We are bred to never believe anything any of them say and vice versa.

Q4: (Samantha Johnston) Hmm, you're kind of caught up there aren't you? Well I'm almost done here. Do you believe what you did was right?

A: (Romeo) Well yes. I would say I did exactly what he would do for me. Good friends live and die together.

Q5: (Samantha Johnston) You two had a very strong bond. I'm so sorry he's no longer with you. Last question. What do you miss the most about Verona?

A: (Romeo) Well, I really miss a couple people dearly.. I miss my sunshine and only love. The one that brightens my whole day.. The one I climb to see. I'd do anything to see her again; I miss her I MISS HER I MISS HER! I'd love for J-.....

Samantha Johnston: .......... Um.......... thanks for your time....... maybe I'll edit out that last bit?

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